Tuesday, May 27, 2014
ATTENTION: How to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System
It is possible to “fix” our healthcare system. The laws for good health have been known for hundreds of years. Our broken healthcare system is due to the “business” of healthcare (reactive care), while ignoring much of the science & art of healthcare (proactive care).
To fix this system, we must take decisive steps. Each and everyone of us. First, we must take responsibility for ourselves. Quit asking, “Does my health insurance cover this?”. The correct question to ask is, “What must I do to improve my health?”. Secondly, we must “Get Moving”. Motion is the key to improve our health and reduce costs. When we begin regular, controlled motion, we maintain a better weight, we manage our blood pressure, cholesterol, anxieties and more, without the use of drugs. In addition, momentum breeds momentum, and we’ll now have a higher level of motivation to improve our diets, sleep habits and overall attitudes.
This will make a huge impact on reducing healthcare costs. Not just a little, but drastically. All while our quality of life improves. Not just a little, but drastically. So, the mission is to get moving and get our kids moving. Adults must show by example that movement is the key to fixing this overwhelming problem.
The importance in taking action at this point in time cannot be overstated. Changes for tomorrow must begin with actions today. Only through taking full responsibility to solve this crisis can any of us hope for a better life for future generations.
Practice Profile: Under Structural Management®
by Rich Smith
Issue: September 2004
Chiropractic Products
This Upstate New York chiropractor creates the ultimate new patient exam and education model
Chiropractic care focused on treating symptoms alone amounts to a waste of time and expense, and represents a disservice to patients.
So believes Tim Maggs, DC, a solo practitioner in Schenectady, NY, who is making it his mission to harken the profession back to an embrace of the model it used in the days before chiropractors started patterning their thinking in the fashion of medical physicians and allowing themselves to be pushed around by insurance companies.
“With the way things are nowadays, if someone comes in for care without actual pain being present, the typical chiropractor more than likely doesn’t know what to do anymore,” Maggs asserts. “He’s been taught by the insurance industry and the medical community to use
Timothy J. Maggs, DC, explains the process of digital scanning to his patients.only the medical model, which entails diagnosing and treating based on symptoms.”
Not only that, says Maggs, but this is what patients themselves have been taught to expect. It is wrong, and needs to be corrected, he insists. “Consumers are of the understanding that they must ask for guidance regarding their health from their insurance company,” Maggs laments. “The insurance company never should be allowed to have a say in what a person does for his or her own health. Unfortunately, because the insurance company controls the money, that’s where people go for guidance. But what they’re taught is to not do anything about their health until after they’ve crashed. If you stop and think about it, you realize there’s no other aspect of life in which people function with that kind of self-imposed constraint.”
“This is a program organized in the form of a pyramid,” he explains. “At the base of the pyramid is the Structural Fingerprint® exam. Above that are the familiar interventions of chiropractic along with a muscle management program and, further up, nutritional support.”
Climbing that pyramid, reaching the apex, patients find—at least in theory—that they have achieved optimal structural performance. In other words, they will have attained truly good health, Maggs suggests.
“My message, which I’m taking to sports, to industry, to the general population, and to the chiropractic profession is this: We can’t know what needs to be done for the individual until we first know where we’re starting from,” he says. “The only way we can learn what his or her structural distortions are is to take, if you will, a Structural Fingerprint® of the patient. This has nothing to do with symptoms, but everything to do with the ability to extract structural information to know where that person is relative to normal.
“Having that information, we can then create a proactive plan to work that individual toward normal. If the plan that is developed is a good one, after so many months the individual should be at a much more efficient—and far less vulnerable—state of health.”
The process of Structural Fingerprint®ing begins with the compilation of a thorough health history, followed by an evaluation of the feet.
“I also check the q-angles of the knees, range of motion, muscle tension, balance, imbalance, and leg length,” he adds. “Seventy-five percent of the information acquired during this Structural Fingerprint®ing process comes from a set of four standing x-rays we take. No other equipment is needed.”
The hardest part of the process is interpretation of the findings. “Many chiropractors have difficulty with this step because of their embrace of the medical model,” he says. “Rather than looking for symptoms, they have to instead look at things through the prism of what they learned in school—Ferguson’s gravity line, sacral base angle, and so forth.”
Explaining the findings in a cogent, impact-making manner to the patient is no less crucial because doing so then opens the door to the next step, the treatment phase, and induces in the patient a delightfully high level of compliance.
“Let’s say the patient is 42 years old,” Maggs hypothesizes. “Predictably, this person has another 43 to 48 years left on this planet. What’s he going to do to preserve and protect himself when he’s already starting to break down? If you tell the correct story to the patient, using the right terminologies and the simplest presentation, he is going to ask what can be done to preserve and protect himself. Once the patient asks that kind of question, you can correct his entire thinking about health,” shaking him loose of the indoctrination he’s received at the hands of the insurance industry all those years prior.
From there, the patient is primed to begin advanced conditioning, Maggs’s term for conventional chiropractic adjustment, rehabilitative exercises, orthotics, and more.
Get With the Program
The process of formulating this Structural Management® program spanned most of Maggs’s career as a chiropractor. “I started the process with a question: how do you articulate to the public the need for chiropractic care and for management of the entire structural system? When I entered practice in 1978, I believed that chiropractic was hugely valuable to people from all walks of life and at all ages. The problem was, I didn’t know how to articulate what I believed. It was extremely frustrating.”
His awareness of the problem became particularly acute after spending 4 years working with the New York Giants football team. It occurred to him in the course of that relationship that “almost no one involved in the players’ well-being truly understood the details of their structural needs,” he says.
At about this same time, Maggs took his nephew to meet the head strength coach of the Chicago Bulls basketball team, so that a conditioning program could be developed for the athletically gifted lad. “The coach spent an hour going through range-of-motion and various other details, in essence conducting a structural evaluation,” Maggs remembers witnessing. “It then really hit home to me that, as chiropractors, we have far more tools available to do exactly this kind of thing than does a professional strength-and-conditioning coach, and yet we’re not utilizing them.”
Soon afterward, Maggs began constructing a chiropractic version of that coach’s process. It took a number of years of experimentation and refinement, but eventually Maggs came up with what he is convinced amounts to a winning methodology.
“It’s now a program that would be perfectly appropriate in every chiropractic office in the world, and is something critically needed by sports, industry, an aging population, the pediatric population, and everything in between.”
Each year, Maggs conducts 25 seminars on Structural Management® to help colleagues learn how to integrate it within their own practices. However, there are some who find converting fully in one giant leap a sometimes impossibly daunting process because of its revolutionary nature, Maggs warns.
“It’s easy to be in your practice and stay within your comfort zone,” he says. “Structural Management® on the other hand requires you to get out of your comfort zone. Because it can be so hard to exit that comfort zone, I’ve designed Structural Management® in a programmatic form that can be adopted in easy steps. You can take certain aspects of it and implement those immediately, then add the others later as your confidence grows.”
In the program, a favorite therapy equipment to use is the stick-like object for improving warm-up prior to activity and accelerating recovery once the activity is completed. The application for this program is in sports, industry, and the general population. Maggs first used it on the New York Giants while also teaching them how to use it on themselves for all types of reasons. “This program works on repetitively used muscles that accumulate toxins and become shortened and vulnerable to injury due to excess use,” Maggs says. “Two hours of my 12-hour seminar are on this program, and DC’s are absolutely thrilled once they begin using it in their offices.”
Stripped of the Structural Management® component, Maggs’s Schenectady practice (50% cash based, 30% insurance, and the remainder a mix of workers’ compensation and the New York state version of personal injury) is pretty much a plain-vanilla operation. His office is relatively small, about 800 sq ft, into which are packed a pair of adjusting rooms, an x-ray suite, and a reception area.
However, Maggs has found the somewhat cramped quarters much to his liking. He says a compact facility abets efficiency and, if nothing else, his is an ultraefficient office.
“People very seldom wait to get into the adjusting rooms because we’re so on top of things,” he notes. It’s also a less expensive office to run. “Small size means small overhead,” he offers. “These days, given the market realities, you have to be conservative in what you spend every month.”
Even so, Maggs finds his practice outgrowing its current digs. A move to a larger site appears inevitable.
“I want to work with major employers,” he says. “To do that, I’m going to have to take on one or two associates. That, in turn, will make it necessary to have a larger office. Nothing’s firm on this yet, but one of the hospitals in this area has asked me to consider moving in with them. They don’t have programs for industrial injury and sports injury, but are of the belief that chiropractic would be ideal as the basis for those particular offerings. They see how well chiropractic is accepted by the medical community out on the West Coast, so they think the time is right to do the same here on the East Coast.”
Market My Words
As for marketing, Maggs is no fan of advertising in outlets such as newspapers and phone books. “That type of advertising motivates a response only from those people with a preconceived and completely misinformed notion of what’s going to happen when they visit a chiropractor,” he grouses.
The preferred form of marketing for Maggs is lecturing at local hospitals and service clubs, as well as getting involved one-on-one with sports coaches and corporate human-resources managers. “My most effective marketing tool is talk,” he tells. “All I need to make it work is access to people.”
For a stretch of 3 years that ended in 2003, Maggs had exactly that—access to people and the ability to talk to them via radio. “I did a Thursday afternoon show called Sports Medicine Hour. It was broadcast from a local college station that could be heard over the air and on the Internet, so it had a pretty sizable audience. I had to quit the show because I became so busy with my practice and all the things related to community health reeducation.”
Another outlet Maggs has for his message is consumer magazines. Each month, he writes a sports medicine column for about a dozen regional publications catering to runners.
“The most recent piece I wrote was about Structural Management®,” he says. “Within a matter of just a day or two after the column was published and began hitting subscribers’ mailboxes, I’d already received 35 inquiries from around the country, readers wanting to know who in their locales could perform a structural evaluation.”
Maggs says he plans to continue refining his Structural Management® program and, at the same time, build a national network of doctors trained in its use.
“My goal is for every community to one day have someone there who performs structural evaluations,” he says. “The participants in this network will be equipped to educate their communities and motivate them to take action with regard to their personal health.
“Don’t tell me there’s no market for this kind of network. There most certainly is. You go out to any company, have the right presentation, have the right program in place to be able to process people, and you can be busier than you’d ever want to be the rest of your life. I know I am.”
Born to Run
Tim Maggs, DC, is a natural-born optimist. That, however, puts him in the minority, since most people are innately the opposite.
Still, in his view, chiropractors not prone to an upbeat outlook can nonetheless learn to adopt that frame of mind.
“It takes work, but it’s worth the effort,” he assures. “Patients love to be in an office where the chiropractor has a positive view. And you’ll be able to accomplish a lot more in life while enjoying yourself along the way.”
Optimism lies at the heart of a chiropractic methodology for which the Schenectady, NY, practitioner has garnered considerable renown in recent years.
Most of that approach to care, called Structural Management®, concerns itself with the health of the body. Now, Maggs is toiling on an extension of it to address the health of the emotions.
“We know that we have to exercise to get physically in shape, but hardly anyone really talks about conditioning and strengthening our mental attitudes,” he says.
A great way to strengthen the mind while doing the same for the body is the sport of running, suggests Maggs, himself an enthusiast since his youth.
But it was in 1976, an Olympics year, that Maggs’s current keen interest in serious amateur running bolted out of the starting block. By 1987, Maggs had competed in 13 major events, including the Boston Marathon.
Then, tragedy. A day after his run through historic Beantown, Maggs developed a problem with calf pulls. “For the next 8 years, I couldn’t handle anything longer than a 3-mile run,” he says.
His running days were anything but over, though. Using a muscle management program he and two other practitioners developed (and which today is a component of his Structural Management® approach to chiropractic), Maggs restored himself to a level of functionality sufficiently high that he was once more able to run marathons.
In 2001, Maggs again qualified for the Boston Marathon. He’s run two more long-distance events since then. Maggs—married and the father of four sons who range in age from 15 to 1—hopes to run in many more contests yet to come, and more than likely will. —RS
Issue: September 2004
Chiropractic Products
This Upstate New York chiropractor creates the ultimate new patient exam and education model
Chiropractic care focused on treating symptoms alone amounts to a waste of time and expense, and represents a disservice to patients.
So believes Tim Maggs, DC, a solo practitioner in Schenectady, NY, who is making it his mission to harken the profession back to an embrace of the model it used in the days before chiropractors started patterning their thinking in the fashion of medical physicians and allowing themselves to be pushed around by insurance companies.
“With the way things are nowadays, if someone comes in for care without actual pain being present, the typical chiropractor more than likely doesn’t know what to do anymore,” Maggs asserts. “He’s been taught by the insurance industry and the medical community to use
Timothy J. Maggs, DC, explains the process of digital scanning to his patients.only the medical model, which entails diagnosing and treating based on symptoms.”
Not only that, says Maggs, but this is what patients themselves have been taught to expect. It is wrong, and needs to be corrected, he insists. “Consumers are of the understanding that they must ask for guidance regarding their health from their insurance company,” Maggs laments. “The insurance company never should be allowed to have a say in what a person does for his or her own health. Unfortunately, because the insurance company controls the money, that’s where people go for guidance. But what they’re taught is to not do anything about their health until after they’ve crashed. If you stop and think about it, you realize there’s no other aspect of life in which people function with that kind of self-imposed constraint.”
Use the Pyramid System
Both saddened and alarmed by all this, Maggs some years back put into motion a plan to recalibrate the thinking of the profession and the community. The centerpiece of that plan is his development of an approach to chiropractic care he calls Structural Management®.
“This is a program organized in the form of a pyramid,” he explains. “At the base of the pyramid is the Structural Fingerprint® exam. Above that are the familiar interventions of chiropractic along with a muscle management program and, further up, nutritional support.”
Climbing that pyramid, reaching the apex, patients find—at least in theory—that they have achieved optimal structural performance. In other words, they will have attained truly good health, Maggs suggests.
“My message, which I’m taking to sports, to industry, to the general population, and to the chiropractic profession is this: We can’t know what needs to be done for the individual until we first know where we’re starting from,” he says. “The only way we can learn what his or her structural distortions are is to take, if you will, a Structural Fingerprint® of the patient. This has nothing to do with symptoms, but everything to do with the ability to extract structural information to know where that person is relative to normal.
“Having that information, we can then create a proactive plan to work that individual toward normal. If the plan that is developed is a good one, after so many months the individual should be at a much more efficient—and far less vulnerable—state of health.”
The process of Structural Fingerprint®ing begins with the compilation of a thorough health history, followed by an evaluation of the feet.
“I also check the q-angles of the knees, range of motion, muscle tension, balance, imbalance, and leg length,” he adds. “Seventy-five percent of the information acquired during this Structural Fingerprint®ing process comes from a set of four standing x-rays we take. No other equipment is needed.”
The hardest part of the process is interpretation of the findings. “Many chiropractors have difficulty with this step because of their embrace of the medical model,” he says. “Rather than looking for symptoms, they have to instead look at things through the prism of what they learned in school—Ferguson’s gravity line, sacral base angle, and so forth.”
Explaining the findings in a cogent, impact-making manner to the patient is no less crucial because doing so then opens the door to the next step, the treatment phase, and induces in the patient a delightfully high level of compliance.
“Let’s say the patient is 42 years old,” Maggs hypothesizes. “Predictably, this person has another 43 to 48 years left on this planet. What’s he going to do to preserve and protect himself when he’s already starting to break down? If you tell the correct story to the patient, using the right terminologies and the simplest presentation, he is going to ask what can be done to preserve and protect himself. Once the patient asks that kind of question, you can correct his entire thinking about health,” shaking him loose of the indoctrination he’s received at the hands of the insurance industry all those years prior.
From there, the patient is primed to begin advanced conditioning, Maggs’s term for conventional chiropractic adjustment, rehabilitative exercises, orthotics, and more.
Get With the Program
The process of formulating this Structural Management® program spanned most of Maggs’s career as a chiropractor. “I started the process with a question: how do you articulate to the public the need for chiropractic care and for management of the entire structural system? When I entered practice in 1978, I believed that chiropractic was hugely valuable to people from all walks of life and at all ages. The problem was, I didn’t know how to articulate what I believed. It was extremely frustrating.”
His awareness of the problem became particularly acute after spending 4 years working with the New York Giants football team. It occurred to him in the course of that relationship that “almost no one involved in the players’ well-being truly understood the details of their structural needs,” he says.
At about this same time, Maggs took his nephew to meet the head strength coach of the Chicago Bulls basketball team, so that a conditioning program could be developed for the athletically gifted lad. “The coach spent an hour going through range-of-motion and various other details, in essence conducting a structural evaluation,” Maggs remembers witnessing. “It then really hit home to me that, as chiropractors, we have far more tools available to do exactly this kind of thing than does a professional strength-and-conditioning coach, and yet we’re not utilizing them.”
Soon afterward, Maggs began constructing a chiropractic version of that coach’s process. It took a number of years of experimentation and refinement, but eventually Maggs came up with what he is convinced amounts to a winning methodology.
“It’s now a program that would be perfectly appropriate in every chiropractic office in the world, and is something critically needed by sports, industry, an aging population, the pediatric population, and everything in between.”
Each year, Maggs conducts 25 seminars on Structural Management® to help colleagues learn how to integrate it within their own practices. However, there are some who find converting fully in one giant leap a sometimes impossibly daunting process because of its revolutionary nature, Maggs warns.
“It’s easy to be in your practice and stay within your comfort zone,” he says. “Structural Management® on the other hand requires you to get out of your comfort zone. Because it can be so hard to exit that comfort zone, I’ve designed Structural Management® in a programmatic form that can be adopted in easy steps. You can take certain aspects of it and implement those immediately, then add the others later as your confidence grows.”
In the program, a favorite therapy equipment to use is the stick-like object for improving warm-up prior to activity and accelerating recovery once the activity is completed. The application for this program is in sports, industry, and the general population. Maggs first used it on the New York Giants while also teaching them how to use it on themselves for all types of reasons. “This program works on repetitively used muscles that accumulate toxins and become shortened and vulnerable to injury due to excess use,” Maggs says. “Two hours of my 12-hour seminar are on this program, and DC’s are absolutely thrilled once they begin using it in their offices.”
Stripped of the Structural Management® component, Maggs’s Schenectady practice (50% cash based, 30% insurance, and the remainder a mix of workers’ compensation and the New York state version of personal injury) is pretty much a plain-vanilla operation. His office is relatively small, about 800 sq ft, into which are packed a pair of adjusting rooms, an x-ray suite, and a reception area.
However, Maggs has found the somewhat cramped quarters much to his liking. He says a compact facility abets efficiency and, if nothing else, his is an ultraefficient office.
“People very seldom wait to get into the adjusting rooms because we’re so on top of things,” he notes. It’s also a less expensive office to run. “Small size means small overhead,” he offers. “These days, given the market realities, you have to be conservative in what you spend every month.”
Even so, Maggs finds his practice outgrowing its current digs. A move to a larger site appears inevitable.
“I want to work with major employers,” he says. “To do that, I’m going to have to take on one or two associates. That, in turn, will make it necessary to have a larger office. Nothing’s firm on this yet, but one of the hospitals in this area has asked me to consider moving in with them. They don’t have programs for industrial injury and sports injury, but are of the belief that chiropractic would be ideal as the basis for those particular offerings. They see how well chiropractic is accepted by the medical community out on the West Coast, so they think the time is right to do the same here on the East Coast.”
Market My Words
As for marketing, Maggs is no fan of advertising in outlets such as newspapers and phone books. “That type of advertising motivates a response only from those people with a preconceived and completely misinformed notion of what’s going to happen when they visit a chiropractor,” he grouses.
The preferred form of marketing for Maggs is lecturing at local hospitals and service clubs, as well as getting involved one-on-one with sports coaches and corporate human-resources managers. “My most effective marketing tool is talk,” he tells. “All I need to make it work is access to people.”
For a stretch of 3 years that ended in 2003, Maggs had exactly that—access to people and the ability to talk to them via radio. “I did a Thursday afternoon show called Sports Medicine Hour. It was broadcast from a local college station that could be heard over the air and on the Internet, so it had a pretty sizable audience. I had to quit the show because I became so busy with my practice and all the things related to community health reeducation.”
Another outlet Maggs has for his message is consumer magazines. Each month, he writes a sports medicine column for about a dozen regional publications catering to runners.
“The most recent piece I wrote was about Structural Management®,” he says. “Within a matter of just a day or two after the column was published and began hitting subscribers’ mailboxes, I’d already received 35 inquiries from around the country, readers wanting to know who in their locales could perform a structural evaluation.”
Maggs says he plans to continue refining his Structural Management® program and, at the same time, build a national network of doctors trained in its use.
“My goal is for every community to one day have someone there who performs structural evaluations,” he says. “The participants in this network will be equipped to educate their communities and motivate them to take action with regard to their personal health.
“Don’t tell me there’s no market for this kind of network. There most certainly is. You go out to any company, have the right presentation, have the right program in place to be able to process people, and you can be busier than you’d ever want to be the rest of your life. I know I am.”
Born to Run
Tim Maggs, DC, is a natural-born optimist. That, however, puts him in the minority, since most people are innately the opposite.
Still, in his view, chiropractors not prone to an upbeat outlook can nonetheless learn to adopt that frame of mind.
“It takes work, but it’s worth the effort,” he assures. “Patients love to be in an office where the chiropractor has a positive view. And you’ll be able to accomplish a lot more in life while enjoying yourself along the way.”
Optimism lies at the heart of a chiropractic methodology for which the Schenectady, NY, practitioner has garnered considerable renown in recent years.
Most of that approach to care, called Structural Management®, concerns itself with the health of the body. Now, Maggs is toiling on an extension of it to address the health of the emotions.
“We know that we have to exercise to get physically in shape, but hardly anyone really talks about conditioning and strengthening our mental attitudes,” he says.
A great way to strengthen the mind while doing the same for the body is the sport of running, suggests Maggs, himself an enthusiast since his youth.
But it was in 1976, an Olympics year, that Maggs’s current keen interest in serious amateur running bolted out of the starting block. By 1987, Maggs had competed in 13 major events, including the Boston Marathon.
Then, tragedy. A day after his run through historic Beantown, Maggs developed a problem with calf pulls. “For the next 8 years, I couldn’t handle anything longer than a 3-mile run,” he says.
His running days were anything but over, though. Using a muscle management program he and two other practitioners developed (and which today is a component of his Structural Management® approach to chiropractic), Maggs restored himself to a level of functionality sufficiently high that he was once more able to run marathons.
In 2001, Maggs again qualified for the Boston Marathon. He’s run two more long-distance events since then. Maggs—married and the father of four sons who range in age from 15 to 1—hopes to run in many more contests yet to come, and more than likely will. —RS
Failure Equals Victory
A title such as this is always risky, as a writer can either immediately lose a reader or hook them for the entire section, regardless of the content. The title is an off shoot from the bible- you know, "the last becomes first and first becomes last", or "extreme bad equals good and extreme good equals bad". No matter how you, the reader, looks at it, there is something eccentric in the meaning of the title, and that's the reason you should read this article. Who knows, you may even enjoy it.
Around 1990 I wrote and published a book titled Problemology: The Science of Dealing With Problems. The premise of the book was that most people are not equipped emotionally to handle problems when they arise. Most people "hope" problems don't come (which is hardly a fool-proof strategy). When a major problem arises, these people have no game plan to fall back on. All decisions now become emotional in nature, rather than logical and strategized. As always, when your emotions are in the drivers seat, watch out.
Anyway, I feel that human beings need to mentally exercise as well as physically exercise to become totally strong (both mental and physical strength). This book teaches mental exercises that allow a person to "prepare" for problems. For example, if you walk out of your house on a rainy Monday morning, late for work, and you see you have a flat tire, the typical response would be to cuss, kick and swear. You'd yell at your spouse, hurt yourself while trying to change the tire, argue with fellow employees all day, etc. Now, for long term wellness, the correct way to handle this would be the following: always identify the problem, (the car has a flat tire), remember that life is an imperfect journey and that misfortunes will always pop up when least expected, correct the problem (change the tire) and thank God that your misfortune on this day was not more catastrophic. The way to get good at developing this mindset is to approach every problem you face, starting right now, with this attitude. Believe me, it takes practice. It's always easier to "react", but as the book explains, far less productive.
So now, admitting that life is a rocky journey and our goal is to have the most enjoyable, stress free trip we can have, how on earth does "failure equal victory"?.
In our competitive society, we are continuously encouraged to win at all costs and look for immediate gratification. Combining these objectives, you could say we're encouraged to win in the short term. Such as today, not tomorrow. So if you lose today, some may perceive this as failing. Failing, (or perceived failing), like rejection, is more apt to keep people from going after their dreams than even a severe physical disability would in many cases.
This is exactly why we need to turn the kaleidoscope of life and view this picture differently. Winning should never be only in the short term, it should be desired in the long term. And the best way to win in the long term is to be willing to fail in the short term. After all, there is no better teacher than experience. While most are taught to hang their heads because of defeat, a more productive response would be to rush home to the drawing board and plan the next strategy. Now you have more information to plug into the computer. You're an expert at what didn't work.
This approach, plus persistence is the old tried and true recipe for long term success. Persistence will win. Most people don't have the ability to be persistent due to boredom, distractions or fear of failing. But, long term victory is far superior to short term victory and defeats will always help to teach the necessary tools and techniques to enjoy victory in the long term.
In conclusion, life is a continual series of victories and defeats. The mere fact that you breathe means you are a prime candidate to fail at something somewhere along the way. He who can develop the ability "act" instead of "react" will stand a much greater chance of having a smooth and enjoyable trip through life. Winning is simply the ability to smile, care about others, help others, maintain persistence in your goals and keep things in perspective.
This is why running is the greatest activity in the world. It simulates real life in so many ways. Even if you're in the Achilles Track Club or wheelchair bound, anyone can relatively improve to feel better about themselves. You can set your own rules to the game. You don't have to win the race, you only have to win your race. Any failure, which is really just a stepping stone to long term victory, is only failure if you quit.
As comedian Jim Belushi said in one of his illustrious roles, "Never, never, never lose your sense of humor". Keep running and enjoy every day. After all, just like the marathon, it's only mental!
Psychology of Recovery From Injuries
Injuries are inevitable. For any runner who as been at it long enough, becoming injured is only a matter of time. "How can I eliminate the likelihood of injury?", you ask. There is only one answer that can't fail: "Quit running!"
But the desire to run is infectious, and when your running is threatened because of injury, the desire becomes magnified. After all, humans have always had cravings for things they can have, but have been known to kill for those things they can't have. And when running is not in a runner's itinerary, the emotional controversy that takes place rock's the senses. "I've just got to run....".
Now, we all know, for every injury out there, there are inner-circle "surgeons general" who quickly and confidently diagnose the condition, outlining the do's and don'ts they'd recommend. From your neighbor to your brother-in-law to your therapist and spouse, everyone's an authority. The runner continues to hear all of these priceless (worthless?) recommendations, but still has to deal with that little voice in the back of the mind screaming to run. "Come on. Don't be a baby. Run through the pain. If it hurts, just stop. What do they know anyways? None of them even run!"
Six weeks of mild running (which the runner will tell you was total rest), and the injury is still there. More relatives and fellow employees have joined the list of "specialists" voicing their opinion and the hope for a future on the roads now seems near impossible. But before all hope is gone, STOP and LISTEN! There is a way. There are simple means which will get you back. Just as nature provides guidelines to live by, nature also provides guidelines to heal by. You just have to Follow The Rules! (that little clause in the contract we never see). Now they may sound simple, but the difficult part comes in applying them.
Rule #1
Ask yourself clearly - "What is my objective?". The answer, for most, is generally the same and pretty simple. "To get from point A (injured) to point B (able to run safely) as fast and inexpensively as possible".
Now, the most common reason runner's fail at the above rule is because they try to answer 2 objectives at once. They want to do as stated above, point A to point B, but they also want to run everyday to not lose their conditioning. "But, I go crazy if I don't run". Don't worry, that's only mental and you'll learn to get over it.
Keep in mind, nature usually doesn't give us the opportunity to have two wishes at the same time. If you want two, you usually end up without any. (You can't run comfortably or as much as you want, and you don't heal). This is when you start looking to pay money to that great specialist from afar. Believe me, keep your money. Most injuries are cumulative and no specialist can do any more than you can do, if you are disciplined.
Rule #2
At this time, sit down and re-define your goals. You may need to forget the marathon you've been training for. You may need to give up that "favorite" race this year if your body is not healthy. Nature doesn't care about your wants, so don't act totally robotic with your schedule. The only thing that stays the same is that everything is always changing. You may need to change your wish list to be more realistic.
Rule #3
Decide what you need to do to get from point A to point B the quickest and most cost effective. Generally, allowing the injured area the necessary time to heal is a good place to start. This doesn't mean minimal running or cross training, this means quality healing time. Again, keep in mind, the more you use an injured area, the longer the healing time takes. It is far wiser to do it right the first time, if your true objective is to get back to running pain free and safely. Ice, heat, massage (The Stick®) , rest, anti-inflammatories (Rehab-Plus), etc. are some of the complements you should use.
Rule #4
Understand, this is not supposed to be fun. Runners say, "This isn't what I want to do, I want to run". Hey, dying isn't fun either, but it happens. Show an ounce of discipline and intelligence. Quit whining. Shift your mindset during this period. As long as you pressure yourself mentally, your only setting yourself up to come back too soon. Relax and do something you never have time to do because of your running. Soon enough, you'll be back, so don't drive yourself crazy.
Rule #5
The lack of pain and swelling does not mean an injury is totally healed. Read that sentence again. Don't "attack" the first day you feel good. The longer you have had to lay off, the slower your comeback should be. Be willing to come back slowly enough. Write the word "RELAPSE" all around the house and office. Imagine going back to square one and starting over. Remember, do it right the first time.
Rule #6
Last but not least, keep in mind that being frustrated, yelling or screaming or even whining or complaining is wasted energy. As I said in the beginning, if you run, you will be injured. Save the theatrics. Immediately alter your mindset and go into the healing mode. Ask yourself, "What do I have to do to get back to running the quickest?". I'll guarantee you the answer does not include kicking the dog or yelling at your spouse. Conserve your energy for something worthwhile and have the discipline to correct the condition. It's really not that big a deal.
Now, once you've done the above, and you're still not better, look for the specialist who can help. But don't be weak in your discipline and think that if you pay money you'll get some magical cure. Somewhere along the way, you have to pay the price. These guidelines, hopefully, will keep you from paying double. Good luck.
The Intent Theory
Friendships come and go throughout life and the objective is to keep as many as you can as long as you can. Many friendships disintegrate because the normal human brain is continually measuring the wrong information. We measure actions rather than intent.
The actions of other people leaves too much to be judged. Many actions occur because someone doesn't know how to act in a certain situation. Others act improperly as a reaction. No matter what, people's actions sometimes don't fit what their intent.
In an effort to better judge who should remain your friend and who should get crossed off the Christmas list, judge a person's intent. The intent is what really matters as the actual actions are merely a disguised version of what a person is feeling, and maybe the exact opposite of what a person is feeling.
For example, I remember the Thanksgiving I came home from my annual Turkey Day 10k to my wife who was excited that she baked special pumpkin muffins for me and my friends. She was so excited and I was so thankful that someone on this planet was actually going out of their way to attempt to make me happy.
Lo and behold, the muffins never rose, my wife felt like committing suicide, and all we had for breakfast was 1" slabs that were supposed to be muffins.
Many would have been ungrateful. Ah... not I. I knew that I didn't have enough people in my life who truly cared about giving to me, so this particular situation didn't register as a negative in any way, but a positive. Here was a situation of someone going out of their way to make my life better, and I could have cared less if they rose or not. I had someone who cared, and that's worth millions. The intent prevailed. The action didn't matter.
Next time you don't know whether you should be upset or not, judge the intent. Your job of figuring out whether you should ever talk or not in the future will become much easier.
The 5-minute Theory
If everyone were willing to put aside their emotional switch in their brain in an effort to gain more knowledge and experience, the 5-minute theory would not be necessary. However, such is not the case. Most people are more concerned with maintaining their image at all costs, thus eliminating many opportunities to learn and earn for the future.
When standing in a crowd of "knowledgeable" people who are discussing an intellectual topic (such as the economic swirl in the Greek Islands), and all of a sudden the spotlight is put on you, how do you respond? This theory encourages you to quickly and immediately admit a lack of knowledge and hand the torch off to others who may know more.
In many cases, someone put in this position would probably go home and commit suicide because of the humiliation they've just experienced. This theory strongly encourages us to remember, we can't be an expert at everything and people respect those who quickly admit what they know and what they don't know. It is far wiser to admit that you don't know and spend 5-minutes learning new information than it is to fake knowledge and spend the next 3 months humiliated over the fact that you didn't know what they were talking about. Gain confidence in what you do know and don't worry about what you don't know. Be willing to admit it and learn, learn, learn.
Five minutes of embarrassment and humiliation will give you a lifetime of new knowledge. And the truth is, the 5-minutes of embarrassment is only there if you let it be. Forget it as quickly as possible for everyone else has forgotten it much quicker. You can be assured of that.
The Boomerang Theory
Just like a boomerang, life will give back what you put out. So many complain about how others are selfish, mean, disrespectful and down right ugly. Learn to put out happiness, respect, kindness and honor. You will get it back by the bushel. The key is----don't stop. Putting out good is like a savings account, you never know when you're going to benefit from your discipline. Even though you may not know how or where you're going to spend what you're saving today, you are greatly increasing your odds at having a better future.
The boomerang theory will do the same.
The Circle Around the Feet Theory
We are taught to keep up with the Jones'. Marketing, advertising, peer pressure and vanity make all of us fight to "look" successful and happy, but not necessarily to be successful and happy. Despite the fact that most of us know that money doesn't buy happiness and enough never seems to be enough, we still get caught in the trap of "keeping up", and this venture makes us all fall short of the illusive dream.
Will we ever be able to say that we have enough?
Regardless of who we are or how we've been raised, the human spirit gains comfort and happiness via certain criteria that has nothing to do with materialisms. The soul needs the basics, but the basics somehow get stepped over on the trip to happiness and no one really sees them until it's too late to get back to them. So let's teach you how to turn the trip around and begin immediately to get back to what matters most in life, your happiness.
Get a piece of chalk and go out to your nearest street or sidewalk. While standing still, draw a circle around your feet so that you are standing completely in the circle. Now get ready for the wisdom you've waited years to hear:
All you'll ever own in life lies inside that circle.
Any job, spouse, child, house, car, boat, friend, etc. is merely borrowed for some period of time. We do not control any of these "luxuries" of life and are vulnerable to lose them at any time. A spouse through divorce or death. A child through running away, drugs, death, college or marriage. A boat through theft. A car through an accident or repossession. A house through sale or repossession.
You may think you have some control over these assets, and the truth is you do have some, but most people lose sight and begin to think they "own" all of them and control the destiny that lies ahead. This is where the realities of life and the hopes and dreams of life separate drastically, and this now becomes the material that causes depressions, suicides, divorces, etc.
If you can believe that every gift you have is borrowed at best, two things will happen. You will work very hard to keep these gifts. Instead of a young husband out making eyes at some young girl he may work with, he will realize that the reality of losing his wife is always very high and he might better work to keep her happy. Secondly, with this approach to life, you will have a better understanding when you do lose. You will be thankful for the time you were able to borrow whatever it was and move forward with the joy and humility that is necessary to succeed in life.
So, do away with the Jones' and go buy a piece of chalk. Quit taking anything for granted, as you are owed nothing and anything you now have you must continue to work hard to keep. If you lose it, don't think you're alone. The world loses everyday. Just don't quit. You'll learn and appreciate more next time.
The Action/Reaction Theory
If you knew you had the remote control on everyone elses personality and decisions, you'd think you died and went to heaven. Think of all the benefits you'd quickly gain if you could control the answer of everyone you come into contact with. The job you want, the mate you want, the salary you want, all at your fingertips.
Well, the truth is, it isn't quite that easy. But it's pretty darned close. Most people spend their lives "reacting" to what society happens to throw at you on any given day. If your boss is mad, you "react". If your spouse is upset, you "react". If there is a traffic jam on your way to work making you late for a very important meeting, you "react".
Your days are spent "reacting" to everyone and everything. Who's doing the acting? Who's the one having it his/her way? From this point on, it's got to be YOU!
Design your day, your week, your life, and follow that design. If you get yelled at, don't bail on your schedule. For example, if your boss yells and demands a better report, smile, thank them and get it done as quickly as possible. If you get into a traffic jam on your way to an important meeting, relax. You have a limited set of options at this point and it's the perfect time to "exercise" your mind by learning how to relax at a time when most would be going crazy. When you get to work, simply explain what happened and then go about your day doing what can be done from this point on. Quit acting like a meteorite is coming at your head.
Regardless of all of the distractions, set your objectives. Make others realize that you are a do-er of life and that you and your schedule are important. Don't be the first to say, "I'll give up what I do to make your life better". ACT!, and the world will support you.
Secondly, treat others with respect and they will "react" accordingly. Treat others with a happy demeanor, a positive personality, and you will receive the same. When someone is upset at you, simply apologize and ask them how you can avoid doing it again. What can you do to help them at this point. As soon as they see you are changing the rules of the argument (by giving kindness), they will follow. No one can be mad at someone apologizing and being kind to them.
Learn to act instead of react, and your life will all of a sudden become "your" life again.
The Shelf Theory
Our lives are filled with problems. As soon as one ends, another begins. Sometimes on a really bad day, they even overlap. Usually we're overwhelmed with yesterday's problems and in fear of tomorrow's. The mind becomes a mud puddle of stress and it truly becomes hard to ever enjoy life.
There has to become some method to be able to shield yourself from yesterday's problems, delay tomorrow's problems until tomorrow and have an up-beat and iron clad system for coping with today's problems, and then maybe, just maybe life will be fun again.
Well, the shelf theory gives the brain a visual of how this can happen. Under the premises that the mind can truly only handle one problem at a time efficiently, we're going to envision many boxes on a shelf, all titled with a different problem. Each and every problem sits in a box on a shelf, much like our collection of books in our library. The key here is that the problems are not sitting in our mind, they're in the boxes on the shelf.
When the time comes and you can work on a problem, pull the box off the shelf and give it 100% of you efforts. Not only will the problem be handled much more efficiently, but it will also receive the time and concentration it deserves. When you have worked as much as you want, put the problem back into the box and put the box back on the shelf.
Now this may seem like a simpleton exercise, but true success is not difficult, it is only the ability to control your emotions. In order to be efficient in solving problems, you need to dedicate yourself to one problem at a time. In order to be efficient at happiness, you can't have a brain swimming in a mud puddle of problems. You're not solving any problems while at the movies, but many people can't enjoy the movie because they are constantly thinking of their problems. You can't solve your problems when you are visiting friends, but many people can't enjoy themselves while visiting friends because of "all their problems".
Learn how to "put them in a box on the shelf", and you'll find that life becomes much simpler.
The Next Bite Theory
The pace of life is so fast, we miss 80% of what we pass. We get so caught up in the problems that hit us yesterday and the problems that are coming tomorrow, we hardly have time to realize the experience we are feeling at the moment.
When eating, the typical cycle of each bite goes something like this; insert fork into piece of food. Place fork in mouth. While chewing, the eyes roam the plate determining which piece of food will be the next victim. Despite the fact that the only piece of food we can really taste and enjoy at any moment in time is the one in our mouth, we still let our focus be on "the next bite", drastically reducing the joy of this bite.
We say: Carpe Chew-em!
This becomes a habit of life and the only way to change the habit, the only way to learn to enjoy NOW is to practice. This takes years of constant effort to master this concept, but the upside of it is that you'll truly enjoy more of life and stop missing the scenery you're passing on this journey.
Running—the Cure for All Ills It’s all about motion
By Dr. Tim Maggs
Those who don’t run can’t understand the big fuss. “Why would anyone run?”. Those who do run protect it like a fortune. “It’s the most important thing in my life.” And those poor souls who are former runners due to injury live on a pilgrimage back to youth. Their undying hope is “maybe, just maybe...”.
What is it that turns normal people into cult-like members once they learn what it’s like to finish their first 5k or do a long group run on a Saturday morning? What makes them convert into a “runner”?
I’ve pondered this question for years, and interestingly enough, my answer has evolved over time. I initially thought it was the joy of competition, the thrill of training to beat that nameless person you see at every race who always seems to outrun you at the end. As time passed, I saw running as a therapy, something to help me get through the tough times. And, as I’ve grown older, I now see it as a much bigger piece of the puzzle. My impression goes something like this;
Life is all about motion. In fact, I’m currently reading Robert Ringer’s new book Nothing Happens Until Something Moves. Great book. Ringer deals with the very basic universal laws of life, the laws that, if adhered to, would turn this crazy world into a balanced, respectful territory. But, the key to his entire message is motion. Motion is the very essence of life--the key to happiness & the ultimate therapy for the masses.
Running takes this message to a whole new level. Running is an organized, planned approach to insure that your life includes motion. It allows you to spend time with others who are important in your life. Without running, you’d hardly ever see such people.
This is where everything starts getting sour on you. We have so many patients who are unable to move, with sprains, strains, arthritis and bloated schedules. I’ve come to the conclusion that lack of motion in your life is the beginning of the downhill. Think about it; weight gain, something in epidemic proportion in this country and getting worse, increased blood pressure, which should be treated with increased “motion” long before any prescription is recommended, blood sugar problems, as a result of weight gain, and most importantly, a frazzled psyche.
The psychological component is without a doubt the biggest reason people get hooked on running. Running is such an appropriate therapy for all of us, as most people have very little margin in their psychological world for any types of stresses. Yet, as we’ve written about so many times in the past, expect problems, as they are a constant part of life. Running seems to reduce the size of problems, but more importantly, gives us a quiet time to think them through and come up with better answers. I’m amazed how often I leave the house with “issues”, and come home with simple solutions. I can’t imagine how much it would have cost had I asked a professional to listen to me and then tell me what to do. Not to mention the fact, their answer could never be as valuable as mine.
Wisdom with Aging
As we get older, all of us truly recognize that mobility is so much better than immobility. I tell my geriatric patients “Keep going, as they can’t throw dirt on you as long as you’re moving”. They laugh, but they know I’m serious.
When younger, we feel like we’re bullet proof, and that youth will always be there. As we begin reaching middle age, we realize, aging happens to all of us. The aging process slows down the more active you are, not to mention the fact that life just seems to be a little less chaotic if we can include motion in our daily life.
I encourage all patients to increase their daily motion. If you can run, run. If you can’t run, walk. Combine the two. Jeff Galloway has done a phenomenal job of converting people into marathoners with the inclusion of walking. Die hard runners have a hard time walking during any training or racing event, but for those who wish to make it a lifetime activity, it only makes sense to do what you have to do to stay out on the road.
I was going through some old magazines the other day, when I came upon an article by the George Sheehan. It was in his later years, and he was telling the story of him out running, when some young runner approached him and asked him what his pace was. Sheehan always had a way of keeping everything in perspective. His response to the young man was “comfortable”, as he claimed he no longer checked for distance and time.
His joy of running was now at a different level, but one he felt was the best he’d ever experienced. Mimic Sheehan. Keep the fire burning by staying out there. Never give up, as any motion outdoors is mandatory for all of us. And, if you’re dream is anything like mine, you’ll also want to run to your funeral at the age of 105. I’ll drink to that.
Have a great month.
Fixing the Health Care System
By Dr. Tim Maggs
I was recently on a flight, and next to me sat a 40 some year old fellow. I usually avoid conversation with people who sit next to me, as I hate to sit with my head turned for long periods of time participating in conversations I’d rather not be in.
“So, where you heading?”, he asks.
“ I’m off to a seminar in Omaha” I tell him.
“Really, what’s it on?”.
“Sports biomechanics”.
His eyes light up. People love talking about themselves.
He’s a tennis player, and about 2 months ago, he pulled a calf muscle. He’s been to multiple docs and therapists, and he’s still injured, and doesn’t know how to fix it, or who to go to. Well, not only do I know how to fix it, but I also know that I must be the leading authority in the country on calf pulls, not because I’m smart, but because I had an 8 year period in my life where I couldn’t run beyond 3 miles without pulling a calf. I estimate I pulled my calf muscles 60-70 times over that period. Ultimately (after figuring out the answer), I made it back to marathoning, a mere 14 years after my prior marathon. So I was intimately aware of the emotionally frustrating journey this poor guy was on.
But, the clincher was this, and even he was upset over it; his primary took his blood pressure as part of the exam on his calf (I guess you always revert back to what you know), and found his blood pressure was a tad high. The guy tells me it’s high because he’s gained 15 pounds in the past 2 months since he can’t exercise. So, the primary writes a prescription for high blood pressure medication and sends him on his way. Not wanting to waste any more of my valuable word allotment for this article, I’ll assume you see the problem here.
Other Broken Industries
The auto industry collapsed. New laws have been created to demand better gas mileage and less pollution. The energy crisis continues to look for more efficient, alternative, re-usable energy sources. The healthcare system, which is leading all the crises in this country, is seeking alternative payment
responsibility, without any effort to fix this incredibly broken system.
If you think about it, the laws for good health have never, ever changed. We know what it takes to stay healthy. So why on earth are we in any kind of crisis? Well, the most obvious reason is that we have become a totally “reactive” system. We do nothing until we break, then we go through unlimited
tests, we’re referred to many specialists, and in the end, never learn how to “fix” our problem. We get a prescription to block our body’s warning signals (some call them symptoms) or ultimately have surgery to remove such a troublesome organ, gland or joint. And we ask, “Why didn’t anyone ever teach me how to keep my gall bladder healthy?”. We’re not a healthcare industry that teaches and educates, we’re a healthcare business that profits from society’s illnesses and maladies. And, reacting produces higher profits than acting. It’s called managed care.
The Fix
We know the obvious ways to stay healthier; eat better, exercise more, have a good spirit towards ourselves and others, get a good night’s sleep, and do whatever is necessary to have good energy (like running). But, that’s too easy. To get out of this crisis, here is my prescription;
It all falls under the word “MOTION”. As in, moving. If all of us were in training for a marathon, the healthcare debt would go down. Motion, or daily exercise, keeps your weight down, your anxieties down, your blood pressure down, your cholesterol down, as well as the need to continue buying bigger clothes. All runners have learned this.
But, many people will respond, “Yes, but every time I try to exercise, my hip/back/knee/or whatever goes out, and I’m injured. It’s just too frustrating. And, I don’t know how to get over that hump”.
In response to that issue, I’ll once again say, it’s all about “MOTION”. But, in this case, we’re talking, motion of the joints. When you have joints that have full mobility, particularly in the spine and pelvis, there is an increased tolerance to stress, as compared to a joint that has lost mobility. As we age, we lose mobility. When we’re injured, we lose mobility. As we gain weight, we lose mobility. So, how do we keep mobility, or get back mobility in all of our joints? See your chiropractor on a regular basis. Or, your osteopath, if they will adjust you that frequently. Every American should be adjusted (have joints mobilized) head to toe at least once a week throughout their lifetime in an effort to allow their body to tolerate the stresses of motion/exercise/life in order to keep their structures as healthy as possible. This will allow people to move, which is the key. Maybe then, you won’t need to see your primary who thinks the answer is a high blood pressure prescription.
Have a great month.
High School Athletes The new injury prevention plan
By Dr. Tim Maggs
32 years ago, when just starting in practice, I contacted our local high school football coach and offered my services to his team. A couple times a week I would work on any players who asked for help. As great as the job seemed, it was short lived. As soon as the school physician got wind of my involvement, I was introduced to the politics of sports. The athletic director informed me I was not to come onto the campus again.
So, my simple goal was to get back onto campus, and through the front door this time, not some side door where no one knew I was there. Along the way, I’ve learned a lot. We live with a broken sporstmedicine system, and this age group is all but ignored.
Here’s the deal;
- Just about all healthcare decisions are based upon health insurance guidelines. Most high school athlete’s care will depend upon what their insurance covers. So, they have to be injured before they can do anything. Anyone in the healthcare delivery industry knows that health insurance coerage is shrinking at a severe rate (increased co-pays and deductibles with decreased coverage), and unfortunately, the care of high school athletes is jammed underneath this broken healthcare system umbrella. Athletes, especially middle and high school athletes, have needs that are much different and far greater than the needs of the general population. These needs are ignored.
- All middle and high school athletes receive a physical prior to the season beginning, but the majority of this examination is a medical exam, i.e. eyes, ears, nose and throat. Yes, these tests are needed, but the biomechanical exam, which checks the muscular, neurological and skeletal systems, is absent. The examiner will perform a scoliosis screening. (This is like saying the absence of terminal cancer means you’re healthy). As in, there’s a lot more to biomechanics than a scoliosis screening.
- We live in a reactive healthcare system dictated by economics. These kids are never looked at until they’re hurt. Secondly, our front line docs (primaries) are not trained in biomechanics, therefore, are not qualified to accurately diagnose or treat these injuries. The “System” then kicks into a costly referral system, going from the primary to the orthopedist to the physical therapist or chiropractor, and the treatment goal is to get rid of the pain/injury. No biomechanics involved.
- The New York Giants and Chicago Bulls used a conditioning pyramid, with the base of that pyramid containing 6 categories; aerobic capacity, body composition, joint mobility, strength endurance, core strength and anaerobic capacity. These professional athletes needed to pass tests in all 6 categories before they could enter the weight room. In almost every high school in this country, kids begin aggressively working out with weights with questionable supervision and absolutely no biomechanical evaluations. This egregious omission WILL produce devastating long term detrimental effects.
- When an athlete becomes injured, the goal is to reduce the symptoms, but never correct the underlying problem. Fig. 1 shows an example of the biomechanical imbalances that exist in all of us, and it is these imbalances that lead to the majority of injuries in athletes. These imbalances originate in the feet (our foundation), and if this imbalance is not addressed, we have a limited potential in balancing the rest of the structure.
- We’re sitting on a ticking time bomb. Many of these kids suffer with low level injuries that don’t meet the criteria for taking action. But, all of these kids have mild to extreme biomechanical faults, and our current sportsmedicine system prefers to perform joint replacements and prescribe a lifetime of pharmaceuticals later rather than address the issues now.
Possible solutions;
Chiropractors and Physical Therapists—you’re the biomechanical providers out there, so you need to step up. The first step is to get to the schools and educate the families and coaches. Then offer your services for a complete biomechanical exam for all athletes, not just those injured. This should take place before the season begins. A biomechanical exam can be found at www.StructuralManagement.com. Prescribe flexible custom orthotics as a first step in balancing their biomechanics.
Family Drs.—admit this isn’t your specialty, and work with the families to find a chiropractor or physical therapist who will help with the biomechanical needs of the athlete.
Athletic Directors—realize you are the lynchpin to all parents and athletes in your school district. Your role is critical. Work with those who are capable of providing more biomechanical information to this group. Don’t settle for that age old response, “We’ve done fine without this so why do we need it now”.
Coaches—you’re the ones who have the most contact with these athletes. Teach them about prevention and the importance of being disciplined in taking care of themselves. Help to build the bridge between families and biomechanical providers in your communities. Small injuries are warning signals. Please don’t promote the “No Pain, No Gain” mantra. Realize that pain is a warning signal for underlying biomechanical imbalances.
Parents—don’t stop until you find someone who will perform a biomechanical exam on your child. It will help detect the predictable sights of injuries, and will uncover the reasons why chronic injuries persist. And, encourage corrective recommendations.
Other than that, have a great month.
A Most Special Reunion
By Dr. Tim Maggs
I met Paul Mbugua in February, 1994. He was one of 17 Kenyans we had recruited to travel from Nairobi to New York to Tampa to compete in the 1994 Gasparilla 15k. I was already in Florida with my 2 sons (5 and 3), my wife Trudy, my mother in law, and 3 friends who traveled with us from New York when they arrived.
When we got to the airport for their arrival, we walked into 17 startled, bewildered and confused Kenyans. They had just traveled from Nairobi to London to New York to Tampa. While in London, they had an 8 hour layover, with no money for food. They didn’t eat until they got to New York when one of the members of our staff met them at JFK. He flew with them to Tampa, and this was the beginning of a new and interesting chapter in all our lives.
Team Stick
I met Joseph Nzau in Boulder, Co. in 1993 at the Boulder Boulder 10k. He and I hit it off, and decided on the creation of an American training program for young and talented Kenyans. Joseph went home at the end of the 1993 season, and selected talented runners who were ready to travel to the U.S. In retrospect, he did pretty good.
He chose Lazarus Nyakeraka, the Runner’s World #1 runner of the year in 1994. He chose John
Kagwe, the 2 time New York City Marathon winner. He chose Josphat Machuka, winner of the Carlsbad 5000 and Boulder Boulder 10k. And he chose Paul Mbugua.
We created the name Team Stick after The Stick, which was a newer product I had just been introduced to. The Stick was my salvation to get back to running after many years of injuries to my calves, and my goal was to find a way to introduce this great product to more runners. We travelled the country, participating in many races during the next few years, and meeting many people along the way. We even set a few world records. Can you imagine?
As I got to know the runners better, their individual stories were incredible. There was Philip Langat, who kept lions away from his cattle with a spear. There was Abraham Limo, who had 6 kids, and lived on $100. per month. And there was Paul Mbugua, who had 4 kids and a wife back home.
Paul was different than the rest of the runners. Not only was he a great runner, (13:45 in the 5k) but he also had a master plan for his kids and wife. Paul never went back to Kenya like all the others did. He stayed, and began working 3 jobs to provide for himself and his plan.
6 years ago, Paul was able to get his 4 kids into our country. It was a momentous occasion, and the beginning of his new life with his family again. They ranged from 11to 18 years old. The joy Paul experienced could be felt and heard everytime you spoke with him. They endured the difficult cultural shift with our school system. Paul became the ultimate father and parent by providing for their every need. The kids quickly became adjusted to the new life in America.
Quickly they made it through high school and were off to college. And, at every step, they excelled.
Then, about a year ago, I got the call from Paul that his wife had an opportunity to leave Kenya and join the family in the United States, six years after her children left. I was shocked at Paul’s announcement, asking him, “How would she adjust?, do you think you guys would still get along after 17 years apart?, and how will the kids handle you and Mary getting back together again?”. On a more comedic level, I asked Paul if he thought she’d take him, even after gaining all that American cooking weight.
Paul, the ever-so-wise person, simply told me, “we will all do well when Mary arrives”. Low and behold, Mary did arrive about 3 months ago, reuniting this family after so many years of being apart. They’d put many American family’s to shame by showing so much love, loyalty and devotion after so many years apart.
Paul told me in private, “Mary knows how hard I worked to take care of the kids before she was arrived, and that kind of love is the strongest ever. We are a strong and stable family.”
As I reflect on the many experiences my family enjoyed during the Team Stick years, the world records, the laughter, the cultural experiences, etc., I don’t think there is any greater joy than the thought that Joseph Nzau and I, in our craziest of dreams back in 1993, changed the lives of the Paul Mbugua family forever. And, with the success that this family has shown to date, the U.S. will be a better place because of it. I never could have imagined that the greatest feat of any of our runners would be Paul’s undying desire to reunite his family.
I’m proud to have been a small part of this miracle. Have a great month.
(From left-Dr. Tim Maggs, Paul Mbugua, Mary Mbugua and Trudy Maggs)
The Law of Maximals
By Dr. Tim Maggs
This past summer, I had just completed mowing my lawn and wanted to have my 10 year old son, Tim, help clean up. I actually enjoy the simple task of cleaning up after myself, but I know it’s my job to teach my kids about work and all that other important stuff.
So, the driveway is covered with grass clippings, and I have him grab the broom and shovel, along with our garbage can on wheels. Tim’s a smarter than average 10 year old, which only means he’ll say “yes” to anything I ask, and then decide what really needs to be done. His decision is always less than my request.
I ask him if he’s ever heard of the Law of Maximals and the Law of Minimals. I knew he hadn’t, since I was basically making it all up as I went along. “No dad, never heard of either”. By the time I finished explaining my newfound Laws, I saw the application in my own life. Kind of like hearing your own confession.
The Law of Maximals
I told him that in life, you will be called upon many times to perform a task. Although we all grow up thinking success is based on intelligence, looks, who you know, or some other extraneous factor, the truth is, success is based largely on how well you perform each and every task you’re asked to do. “On each task, you can either do the minimal amount of work needed, or you can do the maximal amount, which would speak volumes about who you are. It’s that simple”, I told him. I went on to tell him the world is made up of people who follow the Law of Minimals, while the world is begging for more people who follow the Law of Maximals. “Make sure every piece of grass is picked up. Make sure some innocent bystander wouldn’t know if I just mowed the lawn or not. That’s the job you want to have your name associated with”.
Our Health Care System
I’ve treated a few people over the past thirty plus years. If I had to define what the difference is between those who succeed with injuries, pay fewer dollars over the years and have a higher quality of life, it would be the person who follows the Law of Maximals. If you want to know who spends more money, is sitting on the sidelines watching events more than participating and has a lower quality of life, it’s the person who follows the Law of Minimals. It’s really that simple, and unfortunately, it’s never taught in school. This is what Obama should be talking about in his new healthcare plan.
The Law of Maximals Principles
Be Proactive. See your dentist every 6 months. Have your eyes examined at least every 2 years. Get a physical every year, including blood tests. Over 50? Think colonoscopy. Finally, learn your biomechanics (Structural ® Fingerprint Exam) before you break down. Fix what you can before you get injured. When injured, learn the cause and correct it, don’t just treat the symptoms. Yes, that takes longer, but “you’ll thank me in the morning”. Your Finances. There’s 2 ways to become wealthy; make more money, or want less. Wanting less is the more attractive pathway, because it leaves you with a clearer mind to recognize and enjoy those things in life that are free. Take a walk, go to a museum, help someone else or work in your garden. Own a garage with nothing in it. Maximal joy with minimal stress.
Sleep. The body needs more rest than most of us allow for. Sleep is the “cure-all” of life, and with enough sleep, everything from our immune systems to our sense of humor improves. Secondly, 8 hours from 11p.m. to 7 a.m. is far more beneficial than 4 a.m. to 12 p.m. Throw in a nap here and there, and it’s like money in the bank.
Relationships. When younger, you think “more friends” is the answer. However, as we grow older, “real friends” is the key. If you have anyone in your life who is unconditional, you can call them at anytime and they’ll stop what they’re doing to help, you’re blessed. If you have more than one, you’re double blessed. However, to ever have someone who is unconditional, you need to nurture a relationship and give unconditionally in the building process. This takes time, caring and the understanding of the value of unconditionalism.
Training. As runners, we are basically an irrational and psychotic bunch. We don’t want to follow the laws of nature or the laws of injury and healing. We want to go hard every day, and when we’re reminded with injuries that we’ve overdone it, we want to scream as though there is some court of law that will hear our case against Mother Nature. Preparation, logical training and recovery are mandatory for the long haul. This simple formula could probably cut our healthcare expenses in half if we’d all follow the rules, but for some reason, it’s a challenge.
In the end, check each aspect of your life, and ask yourself, “Am I living the Law of Maximals or the Law of Minimals?. Am I giving it my all?”. What you’ll always see is that your return on investment will be proportionate. Have a great month.
The Importance of X‐Rays in the Standing Position
By Dr. Tim Maggs
The patient is a 15 year old female rower who has excelled in crew for the past 2 years. Her severe low back pain began approximately 2 years ago as well. Her first year of crew, the patient was a “skuller” (one ore in each hand, seated in middle) and her second year she became a “sweeper” (one ore in 2 hands, rowing on one side only). This produces significant demand of the low back and trunk.
In November, 2010, the patient went to her orthopedist who ordered x‐rays in the lying down position. The front to back view (Fig. 1) and the side view (Fig. 2) are seen here. Upon viewing the x‐rays, Dr. Orthopedist said they were negative (nothing wrong).
His recommendation was to rest for 6‐8 weeks while getting physical therapy. The patient went to
approximately 8 physical therapy visits and felt mild improvement. She refrained from most activity
until the Spring of 2011, and then began crew again. By early April, the pain was back in full force, and the patient was again ordered to stop rowing and get an MRI.
The MRI showed 2 disc bulges in the lowest joints of the spine. At this point, the orthopedist
recommended quitting crew. Unfortunately, this young girl was one of the better athletes on the team,
and the team had just gone to the Nationals in 2010. Needless to say, this recommendation to a 15 year old athlete, especially with no hope for improvement, is quite harsh.
approximately 8 physical therapy visits and felt mild improvement. She refrained from most activity
until the Spring of 2011, and then began crew again. By early April, the pain was back in full force, and the patient was again ordered to stop rowing and get an MRI.
The MRI showed 2 disc bulges in the lowest joints of the spine. At this point, the orthopedist
recommended quitting crew. Unfortunately, this young girl was one of the better athletes on the team,
and the team had just gone to the Nationals in 2010. Needless to say, this recommendation to a 15 year old athlete, especially with no hope for improvement, is quite harsh.
Biomechanical Exam
The patient came into our office for a biomechanical exam on July 22, 2011. The exam showed
abnormal restriction in multiple key joints, which is very bad for a 15 year old girl. Loss of normal joint mobility is typically a result of abnormal joint loading, or biomechanical imbalances. Standing x‐rays were taken of the low back, which now allows the influence of gravity to be seen. The front to back view in the standing position (Fig. 3)shows a significantly differentimpression than the view that wastaken lying down (Fig. 1). Likewise,the side view in the standing position (Fig. 4) shows a significantlydifferent impression than the view that was taken lying down (Fig. 2).
Standing X‐Ray Findings
In Fig. 3, the vertical line in the center represents the patient’s center of gravity. We can see there is a
severe misalignment between the spine and the front of the pelvis. Secondly, the horizontal lines at the
top of the pelvis show an imbalance between the right and left pelvis, causing low back, hip, knee and
leg length imbalances. Finally, the arrows are pointing to the obturator foramen, which actually are the
same size, but appear differently due to the abnormal rotations of the pelvis.
In Fig. 4, the long vertical line represents the center of gravity from the side. It’s supposed to be going
through the short vertical line, but this patient’s weight bearing is in the back of the spine, with
abnormal weight going through the back of the discs and the nerve roots (predictably causing disc
The imbalances between right and left make the vulnerability for low back/pelvic problems
proportionately higher. These imbalances, coupled with the demands of crew, will keep this athlete
sidelined until she begins the appropriate rehabilitative care. The first phase of care consists of
therapies and treatment that will help reduce the disc bulging, spasms and inflammation that
accompany this condition. Once the symptoms are reduced, a re‐education of the postural muscles and
alignment of the body is needed. This process can take up to one year, however, if this young girl
doesn’t go through this process, it’s safe to assume her future will consist of limited physical activity.
By Dr. Tim Maggs
Kinesio-taping is the next big thing all runners should have in their sportsmedicine cabinets. The simplicity and ease of use, combined with it’s powerful benefits make it a near necessity if muscle and tendon health is your goal.
I began using it in my practice about a year ago, and we see mostly people who exercise and are active. We see high schoolers and geriatrics and everyone in between. And, every age group is the perfect candidate to use kinesio-tape. This was developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase, a chiropractor from Japan. According to Dr. Kase, “Muscles not only control the movement of the body, but also control
the circulation of venous and lymph flows, body temperatures, etc. Therefore, the failure of the muscles to function properly induces a variety of health maladies”.
The actual taping is not as difficult as one might think. Although there are certification programs available, in the meantime, a book such as Illustrated Kinesio-Taping 4th Edition by Kenzo Kase, D.C. should get anyone well on their way. In Pic 1, you’ll see that all applications begin by cutting a certain length from a roll of tape. The shapes and widths of the next cut depends on where the application is going. For example, in Pic 2, you can see the achilles is taped by rounding one end that goes under the heel and splitting the other end about 4-6 inches right up the middle that goes along each side of the achilles. The next cut, Pic 3, shows that one end is rounded along the back of the heel, and the other end is split into 3 to go along the base of the foot for plantar fasciitis. A solid strap is then used across the arch of the foot for additional support.
Benefits of Kinesio-Taping
There are four major functions of kinesio-taping that have been observed in practice and in the laboratory. Anyone who uses it can expect benefits in one or more of the following categories;
- Supports Muscles - the repetitive activity in specific muscles used by runners necessitates the ned for support. Improved muscle contraction is important for tired and fatigued muscles, and kinesio-taping helps to reduce fatigue in muscles. It also reduces overextension and over-contraction of muscles, it reduces cramping that leads to injury of muscles, it increases range of motion and for some reason, relieves pain.
- Removes Congestion to the Flow of Body Fluids-any time one can improve blood flow to a muscle, especially a repetitively used muscle, it’s a good thing. The Stick gained all it’s popularity for that sole reason, increasing blood flow (food and nutrition) to a designated muscle. Kinesio-taping does just that, as well as reducing excess heat and chemical substances in tissue. In addition, inflammation is reduced (MAJOR Benefit!), as well as pain in both skin and muscle
- Activates Endogenous Analgesic System-complicated means of saying it reduces pain. And, through personal, as well as clinical experience, it does.
- Corrects Joint Problems-as a chiropractor, I must be careful here, as I don’t want some $20.00 roll of tape replacing me. But, the truth is, this is a perfect complement to chiropractic adjustments. Taping reduces spasms and shortened muscles, that cause both pain and misalignments, and normalizes muscle tone and abnormality of fascia in joints. Taping improves joint range of motion and also reduces joint pain.
I’ve been treating sports injuries for 30 years. It’s my humble opinion that neither science nor medicine have dedicated enough resources to improvements in either prevention or treatment of structural injuries. We (you and I) live in a “reactive” healthcare industry, yet most of us would prefer to manage our structures and prevent injuries rather than react to injuries.Kinesio-taping allows anyone, everyone, to do a better job at keeping injuries managed. From reduced pain to reduced inflammation to reduced spasms, I don’t remember any product so simple that offers so many benefits.
For instructions and to purchase the product, you can find it at www.isokineticsinc.com. This site seems to be less expensive than others. Until next time, hope your running stays injury free.
Running Barefoot with Nike Good or bad?
By Dr. Tim Maggs
Everytime a shoe company comes out with a new concept, I hold my breath wondering if it’s only to sell more shoes, or is there some semblance of logic involved.
Last year at the Boston Marathon expo, I visited the Nike booth, and watched closely as they had treadmills set up with video cameras filming the gait of runners who wanted to be “analyzed”. Once the video was completed, the Nike rep would play it back, showing the runner how their foot hit the ground, and then recommended the appropriate pair of shoes. For the average onlooker, Nike appeared to be using cutting edge technology. However, when you look at some of the facts, you realize how far short of the mark they actually are.
Do You Know Your Structural Fingerprint®?
What Nike, as well as the most of the sportsmed world, fails to identify is the fact that biomechanics exists above the ankles. Simply put, humans are a “bag of biomechanical sins”, and unless you examine each person biomechanically, you’ll never know the many specifics of that individual. The end result of these “sins” is the foot strike during the gait cycle. The strike is just an overall compensation for all of the undetected and uncorrected biomechanical flaws that are the result of many contributing factors, such as hereditary weaknesses, prior injuries, using the wrong shoe type, poor conditioning, height, weight, job, etc.
So, until you actually get a biomechanical exam, no one knows your specifics, such as your center of gravity, structural balance, joint restrictions, muscular imbalances, foot type, etc. And, these factors will determine what your life will be about.
The Structural Fingerprint® Exam
This exam first looks at foot type. The shoe industry has done a tremendous job of developing shoes for the different foot types, but most Dr.’s and the general public have no idea what their foot type is or how to test for it. Learning your foot type is critical, and it must be done in the standing, static position. Evaluating gaits during the running cycle should never be done until many of the biomechanical defects in the body have been improved, and that usually takes at least 6-12 months.
The Q angle of the knee, as well as leg length, range of motion of all joints and muscle balance, should all be tested. 75% of the information needed for a comprehensive biomechanical exam comes from standing x-rays of the low back and neck. And, you can’t ask most Dr.’s to read them, as most Dr.’s are only schooled in looking for pathology on x-rays, not biomechanics. This is why most x-rays come back “negative”. They are negative for pathology.
Once all these tests are performed, then a rehabilitative program is designed to allow time to re-educate and mobilize muscles and joints, improve habits, and perform the necessary rehab exercises. Our goal is threefold; to improve overall posture and balance, to increase joint mobility and to increase muscle flexibility. Much like the orthodontist who requires 2-3 years to alter the alignment of kids teeth, structural balancing is a process, and a tremendously worthwhile one.
Who needs this exam and correction? Everyone interested in getting the most out of their physical life while reducing the frequency and degree of breaking down. If getting a joint replacement isn’t on your “to do” list just yet, you may have in interest in learning how to preserve the joints you have, just in case you’ll want to use them later in life.
Final question; When can you stop working on this balance, joint mobility and muscle flexibility? Never. Just like any other mechanical machine you own, management and maintenance is required to keep it running well. The very thought that we should just let our bodies and joints degenerate and rot out until we can’t take it anymore borders on lunacy. Then, the very thought that drugs or joint replacements are the obvious answer is nothing more than modern medicine doing a great marketing job and keeping the masses ignorant.
So, Nike now comes out with the Nike Free shoe that “gets the hell out of your foot’s way”. They tell how studies have shown barefoot running allowed runners to get faster and have fewer injuries. “Add to that, research showed that runners in unshod populations like Africa or the Caribbean often have lower incidences of running injuries like Achilles tendonitis and plantar fascitis”, the marketing literature states.
So, is it worth a try? Hard to say. But what I can say is this; until these biomechanics labs at the running shoe companies begin examining biomechanics above the ankles, like the sacral base angle or Ferguson’s center of gravity line, they will always be too uninformed to make the statements they make. Until they recognize the importance of a balanced knee and mobility in the spine at all levels, the relationship between foot type and full body biomechanics, and the importance of educating the masses on foot type and appropriate shoe type, with custom orthotics when needed, that’s when it’ll be time to then congratulate a new shoe and explore new concepts.
The downside of the current state is that most runners will wear the wrong shoes, end their running careers prematurely on the disabled list and use their primary Dr.’s as their fitness/injury guru’s. Oh my, what a shame.
Have a great month.
Sportsmedicine—The Way It Should Be
By Dr. Tim Maggs
Try this the next time you’re sitting around and bored. Call your primary Dr. and tell them you have no symptoms, no pains or aches, but would like to come in to find out what you can do to maximize your chances of avoiding injury. Tell them you cherish your ability to run, and just don’t want to end up sitting on the sidelines of life watching if you don’t have to.
Kind of like, insurance, the way health insurance should be defined. However, when you do this, be prepared. You may hear a long pause on the other end (like you’re the fool).
That’s because, our sportsmedicine “specialists” can only help you when you become injured. Seems crazy, but that’s just the way it is. Unless, you opt to pay out of pocket and choose a different approach than the masses. Kind of like Lance Armstrong and his U.S.P.S. team did at the Tour de France. For the past 6 years.
Let’s all agree on one thing; the Tour de France has to be a tougher event than almost anything you or I will ever go through in our lifetime. Nothing will compare to the rigors of the Tour. So, with that fact in place, let’s discuss a few of the details. While in a recent conversation with Dr. Jeff Spencer, the head of the medical team for the U.S.P.S. Team, Jeff highlighted the fact that his 9 riders who started also finished. This is not some insignificant fact, since only one other team could claim such an accomplishment this year.
But, the story gets better. The U.S.P.S. Team not only had all of their riders finish this year, but they’ve had all of their riders finish each of the past 6 years, except for one rider who broke his arm. That’s all of the riders during the period that Lance has won the race. On the front, attacking, competing at the highest level. All who started over the past 6 years have finished. Can you imagine?
Is it luck? Coincidence? Or, is it strategic and due to some different approach? Well, to begin with, Dr. Jeff Spencer is a chiropractor. In our society, the “primary’s” are medical Dr.’s. Medical Dr.’s certainly have a place in our healthcare system, but it’s not in the world of musculo-skeletal sportsmedicine, which is where most sports injuries lie. Society has it backwards, while the U.S.P.S. Team has it right. A chiropractor, skilled in the many requirements of demanding athletes, is the perfect partner with athletes, if performance and survival happen to be the goal.
Secondly, and more importantly, the whole approach of Dr. Spencer was radically different than the approach that most sportsmed people take today. Obviously, Dr. Spencer didn’t wait for each athlete to become injured. Rather, he treated the athletes 3 times a day; on the team bus on the way to each day’s race, on the bus after each day’s race, and at night at the hotel in preparation for the next day.
In our everyday life, insurance providers call this “overutilization”. Many insurance companies, especially managed care groups, recommend 6-12 treatments per year. Again, can you imagine? Should we admonish Dr. Spencer for such overutilization? Or, do we need to re-write the books on what overutilization and utilization are? My experience tells me that most athletes break down at some point in their life. Most athletes go through the mundane, pathetic route of conventional care, only to find at the other end, the Dr.’s, tests and treatment provided was worthless. It costs thousands of dollars, takes weeks and months and years to find answers, and in the end, the athlete is left chronically injured with no solutions.
So, with all of that said, what’s it all about? Well, since our space is limited, let me bullet what all athletes need to do in an effort to enjoy their exercise more and stay off the injured list.
- Don’t wait until you’re broken—everyone else around you has been taught to not seek care until they’re injured, however, we recommend a Structural Fingerprint™ Exam sooner rather than later to begin to improve imbalances and other structural distortions.http://www.drtimmaggs.com/structuralexamb.asp
- Realize, there is nothing of more value than preservation of the human structure. Anything this important takes hard work and effort, so anyone who can help you preserve this wellness should be considered a valuable teammate (i.e.massage, chiropractic, yoga, pilates, personal trainer, nutritionist, etc.).
- Remember, youth hides a lot of sins. However, the body keeps a detailed scorecard, and at some point, the weaknesses manifest. Find out today before the big breakdown.
- The 3 things that should be used by everyone who wants to prevail and not break down;
- The Stick® for muscle management
- Custom fitted, flexible orthotics
- Chiropractic care to maintain lifetime joint mobility
- Realize, it’s going to cost to preserve yourself—so either pay now, or pay later with injury.
- If you become injured, seek a structural exam, as that is the key to getting back to normal.
Now, with all of that said and done, most of you now have a better direction to keep yourself “uninjured”. Give it a try, and if all else fails, contact Lance and ask him what the secret is. Not just for him, but also for his 48 teammates over the past 6 years. Best of luck, and have a great month.
Let the NETWORK Begin
Dr. Tim Maggs
"The goal is to die young, but a long time from now."
Four or five years ago, I wrote an article titled, Building a Sports Doctor Network. This was written after years of too many e mails and phone calls from runners asking me who could do a structural exam on them in their hometown. In my article, I gave many reasons why we needed to begin thinking about building this network, such as why should runners have to wait until they're broken down before they get help from their doctor? And, why do so many runners have so many lists of doctor's names, with so many tests performed, and yet, no help? Why do runners look to their insurance company for directions? And on an on the questions went.
But, most importantly, at the end of this article, I clearly stated that I was only the messenger, so don't look to me to also begin the voluminous task of starting this network. Well, everybody else did a great job of sitting on their hands, and must have known I can't stand procrastination, so here I am, introducing The Structural Management® Network. This is a group of doctors who will be trained to perform The Structural Fingerprint® Exam, and then inform the runner of his/her imbalances, weaknesses and dysfunctionally working joints, all in an effort to restore an improved balance back to the runner's structure through specific corrective measures. All in an effort to prolong the life of the structure of the athlete. All in an effort to keep the runner running more.
The Network will take an estimated five years to develop, and hopefully we'll attract several thousand doctors who have an interest in sportsmedicine, fitness and conditioning and recognize the inefficiency and apathy of the existing pathology based system that the insurance industry supports and drives. The program will be introduced in 4 cities in the first 6 months of this year--------Omaha, Chicago, Orlando and Boston.
Some of you may remember my article on Dr. Sheehan and the quotes I took from his book, Dr. Sheehan on Running. "Conventional medicine is not adequately addressing runner's injuries today. They are addressing the symptoms while ignoring the cause. Structural balance is the ultimate goal, and once achieved, will provide the runner with the best chance for an enjoyable lifetime of running."
Sheehan would have been proud, as he tells the tale of his many different injuries, but he couldn't find the right person to help him, as all his specialist friends and colleagues wanted to just give him drugs and have him stop running. As he said, "I neeeded a super specialist, someone higher on the ladder. But, what I realized was, he didn't exist". Therein lies the words that have motivated me the most to build this network of Dr.'s. This super-specialist will now exist in many cities by the end of this year.
Biomechanical Approach
The human being is an architectural structure influenced by gravity the same way a building, bridge, car or any other structure is. Yet, you would be hard pressed to go into your family doctor's office and ask them to perform a structural exam on you and then be given an updated status report with a plan on how to improve. Especially if nothing was hurt or broken at the time. Or, better yet, try taking your middle school or high school athletic child in for a structural exam before they begin a season or a program in the weight room. Unless they have symptoms, there's not much any doctor will do for them.
Making this issue even more important is the fact that imbalances accelerate degeneration of the structure and increase the likelihood of injuries. Osteo-arthritis is the leading arthritis out there, and even Dr. Bob Arnot writes about it in his new book, Wear and Tear. He says the same thing I'm saying----structure is virtually being ignored out there today, yet it impacts all of our lives in many, many ways. If you've ever heard someone say,"It's hell getting old", well, I'm sure they were never informed how to preserve their structure. Movement and motion is the key, as in, they can't throw dirt on you as long as you're moving, so keep moving.
Contributing Factors
Remember, at this moment, your structure is a result of your age, heredity, prior injuries, habits, weight, height, diet, job, shoes, mattress, attitude, etc. But, doesn't it seem logical that someone should be able to extract this pertinent information in an effort to provide a "current status" report and a "plan" on how to improve it? With or without symptoms, this "snapshot" of your structure will provide a status report that will then lead to a program for improving balance, joint mobility and flexibility.
By June of this year, many more runners will have in their communities a doctor who will provide this help. And, by 2009, hopefully, it will be coast to coast.
And, George, although you may have been correct in 1975 when you wrote that book, the "super specialists" are now being trained. I only wish you could have been here to see one of them.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Blood Sugar System
According to many authorities today, blood sugar problems, especially low blood sugar, are near epidemic proportions. At times most people have vulnerability to a blood sugar swing. With the incredible increase in refined sugars, chemical additives, drugs (both legal and illegal), alcohol and fast foods in today's fast paced society, it is quite easy to understand why blood sugar problems are on the rise.
Couple this with the fact that most doctors today do not address, the blood sugar imbalance, either through proper testing or treatment, but rather, treat the symptoms caused by the imbalance. The symptoms are mostly treated with medications, which adds a greater stress on the body. The true cause, blood sugar imbalance, becomes even more imbalanced. Secondly, as long as the symptoms are hidden by medications, the condition continues to worsen without the patient being aware of it.
Proceed to the Nutritional Profile Analysis form that you can complete and send to us.
There are a vast array of symptoms caused by blood sugar imbalances, which demonstrates the importance of blood sugar balance to all parts of the body. Some of the most obvious symptoms that occur are:
- Lightheadedness when standing
- Ringing in the ears
- Mood swings
- Craving of sweets
- Mid-day fatigue
- Difficulty sleeping at night
- General lethargy
- Heart palpitations
- Upper respiratory infections
These symptoms are rather common but are, more often than not, misdiagnosed and treated with medication, adding to the number of disgruntled patients with a medical story to tell.
Organs Involved
The blood sugar system is a highly intricate system that is well integrated with the nervous system and the hormonal system. The purpose of this section is to provide useful and relevant information to readers to better understand the why's and what to do's. This section is in no way intended to be a complete and thorough explanation of the detailed blood sugar system in action.
The Pancreas
There are primary organs involved with keeping a balanced blood sugar level. The first, and probably most important organ, is the pancreas. The pancreas has a job of keeping the blood sugar levels from going too high. As you ingest foods that break down into sugar and the blood sugar levels begin to increase, the pancreas slowly releases insulin, which helps to bring the sugar levels back to normal levels. This action begins within the first half hour of eating, with the highest level of blood sugar taking place at about the 2nd or 3rd hour after eating.The Liver
The next organ that is involved in sugar levels is the liver. The liver has literally hundreds of functions that take place throughout the day. One of them is to store sugar so that the body doesn't have to manufacture sugar every time there is a need, but can call on the sugar storage centers to withdraw whatever is needed. Along with the muscles, the liver controls sugar storage and periodic release to keep sugar levels where they belong. As a person ages, eats foods that are congestive and chemically laced, and practices poor lifestyle habits the liver function worsens, and all systems of the body that require proper liver participation are compromised.The Adrenal Glands
The next important set of glands is the adrenal glands. For anyone who is not aware of the adrenal glands, they are the glands that handle much of the stresses in your body. Whenever the body undergoes higher levels of stress, the adrenals produce the necessary hormones and releases them into the system to strengthen the system whenever necessary.A person's constitutional health is determined during their mother's 9 months of pregnancy. The adrenal glands are probably most vulnerable to the stresses a mother may experience while pregnant. It is not uncommon for a pregnant mother to go through the first, second and even third stage of exhaustion while pregnant, totally exhausting her adrenal glands. Full grown fetal adrenal glands, which reach full maturity before any other organs or glands, can also provide support to the exhausted mother if needed, but can leave the fetus in the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd stage of exhaustion when born. This is one reason a child may be so susceptible to fevers, upper respiratory infections, earaches, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, etc. while growing up.
While these kids are treated with antibiotics, ritalin, tubes in the ears and a myriad of other chemicals and surgeries, the "establishment" is missing the true cause of the condition--an adrenal gland weakness syndrome in the child.
Blood Sugar Stages | Blood Sugar Ranges
There are varying opinions as to what the normal blood sugar ranges are. There are conservative ranges and not-so conservative ranges. By using the conservative ranges, a person can only improve more, as liberal ranges will sometimes allow an individual to not feel the same motivation with regard to lifestyle and dietary improvements. For that reason, we will use the conservative ranges.
- Fasting Blood Sugar (75-125)
- 3 Hours after Sugar Intake (120-160)
- 5 Hours after Sugar Intake (75-120)
There are basically 4 stages of blood sugar involvement:
- Normal Normal blood sugar 75 -130
- Hypoglycemia Low Blood Sugar below 65
- Dysinsulinism Low and High Blood Sugar Above 160 and below 65
- Diabetes High Blood Sugar Above 160
Normal Blood Sugar
A normal fasting blood sugar level is usually somewhere between 75 mg and 80 mg per 100 ml. Under the assumption that the typical individual eats 3 meals per day at 8 AM, 12 PM and 6PM, the normal cycle consists of the following:
Upon arising, the body is in need of replenishing the sugar storage centers, and a person will eat breakfast. Once eaten, the sugar levels immediately begin to rise, up to as much as 140-160 mg. per 100 ml. within the first 3 hours. At this point, the pancreas has released appropriate levels of insulin, lowering the blood sugar levels. As the levels begin to drop, the adrenal glands are on standby, as sometimes the levels drop too quickly, or the individual is late at eating the next meal, and a hormone is released which will trigger a release of sugar from the sugar storage centers (primarily the liver) to keep the levels from going below the normal low level. At this point, the body begins to require more food consumption, and this is just about as the clock is striking 12:00 noon. The cycle then repeats itself, and so on. Ideally, this would happen for about 100 years, but, unfortunately, that's not the way it happens for most.
This is a stage that occurs in many, many younger people, but is unfortunately misdiagnosed too often. The diets of today, which are high in refined sugar and drugs, predispose people to weaknesses in their blood sugar systems, with the first signs and symptoms falling under the heading of hypoglycemia.
In this country, the average American consumes approximately 140 pounds of refined sugar per year. This averages out to about 22 pounds per month or 5 pounds per week. If you could imagine eating a 5 pound bag of Domino sugar, every week of your life, you might begin to get the picture that your body is consuming an awful lot of sugar. The human body is capable of digesting sugars, but "sugars" refers to those sugars which appear naturally in society. Fruits, vegetables and grains are the refined carbohydrates mother nature was referring to. But, somewhere along the way, white sugar and all of the chemicals snuck into our diets. And, you remember--"You can't fool Mother Nature!". Well, that's where hypoglycemia comes in.
With the increased ingestion of white sugars, the pancreas' have become more sensitive, since it is being called on to work too frequently. This sensitivity produces a gradual weakening of the pancreas and causes an elevation of concentration of the insulin that is released. This elevation forces a greater "drop" in blood sugar, and calls upon the adrenal glands to work harder to prevent the sugar levels from dropping below the normal low levels. As the adrenals begin to fatigue, the low levels become gradually lower, and the symptomatic picture becomes more and more involved. As the symptoms become more obvious, the average individual will seek help medically, and in most cases, will receive symptomatic treatment. Unfortunately, this solves the short term but adds fuel to the fire for the long term, as drugs add to adrenal fatigue, which promotes the symptoms.
Proper Testing
This stage of the condition can drive people to the brink of depression, as most doctors won't look for, therefore, won't find, this drop in blood sugar. In most cases, the proper testing is never done, therefore, the true problem is never found. In order to accurately diagnose this condition, a 5 hour Glucose Tolerance Test is needed. Doctors will not routinely do this test, as the correction is basically nutritional, and most doctors are not trained to treat nutritional problems. The most common tests, if done at all, will be a 2 hour post prandial, which will only show an elevation in blood sugar, and is not relevant in this stage.
When going through this test, it is not uncommon for a person to experience the same symptoms that brought them to be tested at about the 3rd or 4th hour. If this is the case, you can stop the testing, as this is a clear indicator what the problem is. Always be prepared with orange juice or some fruit just in case the symptoms become overbearing. Once a person has taken any form of nutrition, the test is over. But, more importantly, the patient lived. And the conclusion is that the blood sugar system has a weakness that must be addressed.
This is that stage of the condition that is most disturbing to the treating doctor, as the patient has stages of hypoglycemia (low sugar) and hyperglycemia (high sugar). The symptoms are different during both stages, and unless the doc is experienced, he or she will usually refer the patient out, as it's too complex a situation to deal with.
As the pancreas is continually overworked, the blood sugar levels have to elevate higher and higher before insulin is released into the system. As the levels of blood sugar rise, the patient many times will rise into the diabetic stage, but the pancreas is still working. It just requires a higher blood sugar level to stimulate it to release insulin. But then, when it does release insulin, it's a concentrated form, and with weak adrenal glands, the blood sugar levels now drop to all time lows during the 4th and 5th hours. What a mess. But, believe it or not, there's still hope for the person willing to "pay the price".
What adds severe insult to injury is when the treating doctor sees high blood sugar symptoms, sends the patient in for a 2 hour post-prandial or 3 hour Glucose Tolerance Test, and sees high blood sugar as the cause. (If they had done the 5 hour test, they would have also seen the severe plummet of blood sugar in the 4th and 5th hours, recognizing the dysinsulinism).
The treatment then becomes either insulin by injection, or an oral medication, which lowers blood sugar. But, what happens when this patient takes a medication to lower the blood sugar, and the body happens to be going into a low blood sugar stage on its own? You can probably guess--Insulin shock, or some derivative of it. Believe me, it's not good. This is one more reason that the 5 hour GTT is recommended.
This is the stage that occurs when the true cause has been totally ignored. The pancreas has become totally fatigued (dead), and the blood sugar rises and there is no way for it to come down. This is when insulin injections usually are recommended. Despite the fact that nutritional recommendations should definitely still be made at this time, the condition has truly worsened to a point beyond total repair.
In 1900, before the industrial revolution, Diabetes was the 37th leading cause of death in this country. Today, it's the third leading cause of death, 2nd leading cause of blindness and 2nd leading cause of amputations. Modern medicine claims to have a total handle on the condition, but statistics prove otherwise. Why wait until it's too late? Stage 4 is too late! Begin now to make the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes.
Remember, pay now or pay later. The one constant is--you will pay before it's all said and done.
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