Tuesday, May 27, 2014

ATTENTION: How to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System

It is possible to “fix” our healthcare system. The laws for good health have been known for hundreds of years. Our broken healthcare system is due to the “business” of healthcare (reactive care), while ignoring much of the science & art of healthcare (proactive care).

To fix this system, we must take decisive steps. Each and everyone of us. First, we must take responsibility for ourselves. Quit asking, “Does my health insurance cover this?”. The correct question to ask is, “What must I do to improve my health?”. Secondly, we must “Get Moving”. Motion is the key to improve our health and reduce costs. When we begin regular, controlled motion, we maintain a better weight, we manage our blood pressure, cholesterol, anxieties and more, without the use of drugs. In addition, momentum breeds momentum, and we’ll now have a higher level of motivation to improve our diets, sleep habits and overall attitudes.

This will make a huge impact on reducing healthcare costs. Not just a little, but drastically. All while our quality of life improves. Not just a little, but drastically. So, the mission is to get moving and get our kids moving. Adults must show by example that movement is the key to fixing this overwhelming problem.

The importance in taking action at this point in time cannot be overstated. Changes for tomorrow must begin with actions today. Only through taking full responsibility to solve this crisis can any of us hope for a better life for future generations.

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